自己第一次写触发,想使用两个三个条件语句并列使用,但是不管怎么写都保存不了,最后看了吴大哥的博文,试了是if..then ...end if;中使用if并列是可以。
DROP TRIGGER `down`;CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` TRIGGER `down` BEFORE UPDATE ON `ne`FOR EACH ROW if '1'='1' then #Step 1 #拆除报警: if new.down_status = '1' then insert into ne_alarm_his (ID, alarm_id, company_id, ne_no , hierarchy , ne_model_id, alarm_type_id , alarm_level, alarm_up_time , alarm_last_time, occur_count, ack_user, ack_time, ack_res, ack_remark, alarmtime, areaid, alermaddress , gps_lon , gps_lat , car_id,AuditStatus ,status) values (uuid(), getSerialNumber('报警编号'),new.company_id, new.ne_no ,new.hierarchy, new.ne_model_id , 1, null, new.down_starttime , now() , null , null , null , null , null , now() , null , new.geographical_address2 , new.gps_lon2 ,new.gps_lat2, new.car_id, '0',null ); end if; #Step 2: #低电量报警 if new.low_power_status = '1' then insert into ne_alarm_his (ID, alarm_id, company_id, ne_no , hierarchy , ne_model_id, alarm_type_id , alarm_level, alarm_up_time , alarm_last_time, occur_count, ack_user, ack_time, ack_res, ack_remark, alarmtime, areaid, alermaddress , gps_lon , gps_lat , car_id,AuditStatus , status) values (uuid(), getSerialNumber('报警编号'), new.company_id, new.ne_no, new.hierarchy, new.ne_model_id , 5, null, new.low_power_starttime , now() , null , null , null , null , null , now() , null , new.geographical_address2 , new.gps_lon2 ,new.gps_lat2, new.car_id, '0', null ); end if; #Step 3: #断电报警 if new.pwr_down_status = '1' then insert into ne_alarm_his (ID, alarm_id, company_id, ne_no , hierarchy , ne_model_id, alarm_type_id , alarm_level, alarm_up_time , alarm_last_time, occur_count, ack_user, ack_time, ack_res, ack_remark, alarmtime, areaid, alermaddress , gps_lon , gps_lat , car_id, AuditStatus ,status) values (uuid(), getSerialNumber('报警编号'), new.company_id, new.ne_no, new.hierarchy, new.ne_model_id , 6, null, new.pwr_down_starttime , now() , null , null , null , null , null , now() , null , new.geographical_address2 , new.gps_lon2 ,new.gps_lat2, new.car_id, '0', null ); end if;end if;
使用函数 locate('admin','ad')
set @alarmType = new.alerttypeset; if (locate(@alarmType , '9'))>0 and new.run_status !=old.run_status and new.run_status = '1' then..sql...end if;
set @vcommandPara =concat('&Uconfig=','replynumber');
create procedure dbname.proc_getGrade (stu_no varchar(20),cour_no varchar(10)) BEGIN declare stu_grade float; select grade into stu_grade from grade where student_no=stu_no and course_no=cour_no; if stu_grade>=90 then select stu_grade,'A'; elseif stu_grade<90 and stu_grade>=80 then select stu_grade,'B'; elseif stu_grade<80 and stu_grade>=70 then select stu_grade,'C'; elseif stu_grade70 and stu_grade>=60 then select stu_grade,'D'; else select stu_grade,'E'; end if; END 案列
AFTER INSERT ON hc_alarmFOR EACH ROWBEGINdeclare is_alarm int; declare telephoneone VARCHAR(20); //定义declare telephonetwo VARCHAR(20); declare telephonethree VARCHAR(20); declare telephonefour VARCHAR(20); declare telephonefive VARCHAR(20); SELECT gwsbbj.is_alarm into is_alarm FROM gwsbbj,(SELECT a.mac from hc_gw a ,hc_std b where b.gwid=a.id and b.id=new.stdid) c //赋值 where new.stdid=gwsbbj.stdid and gwsbbj.gwid=c.mac;SELECT k.telephoneone, k.telephonetwo,k.telephonethree,k.telephonefour,k.telephonefive into telephoneone,telephonetwo,telephonethree,telephonefour,telephonefive //多个赋值from hc_gw f ,hc_std g ,hc_install_image k where g.gwid=f.id and g.id=new.stdid and f.mac=k.gwmac;if NEW.triggertype = 'std' and (NEW.event ='017' or NEW.event ='015') and is_alarm=0 then // 一个if 配一个end if UPDATE gwsbbj set gwsbbj.is_alarm =1 where gwsbbj.stdid=new.stdid; if telephoneone is NOT NULL then insert into bdnr(content,tel) values( CONCAT('安装在',new.trigger,'发生了',new.title),telephoneone); END if; if telephonetwo !='' then insert into bdnr(content,tel) values( CONCAT('安装在',new.trigger,'发生了',new.title),telephonetwo); END if; if telephonethree !='' then insert into bdnr(content,tel) values( CONCAT('安装在',new.trigger,'发生了',new.title),telephonethree); END if; if telephonefour !='' then insert into bdnr(content,tel) values( CONCAT('安装在',new.trigger,'发生了',new.title),telephonefour); END if; if telephonefive !='' then insert into bdnr(content,tel) values( CONCAT('安装在',new.trigger,'发生了',new.title),telephonefive); END if;elseif NEW.triggertype = 'std' and (NEW.event ='017' or NEW.event ='015') and is_alarm=1then UPDATE gwsbbj set gwsbbj.is_alarm=1 where gwsbbj.stdid=new.stdid;END if;END;if...then{ if...then{} end if;
if...then{} end if; ... } elseif...then.. end if;
CREATE TRIGGER <触发器名称> --触发器必须有名字,最多64个字符,可能后面会附有分隔符.它和MySQL中其他对象的命名方式基本相象.
{ BEFORE | AFTER } --触发器有执行的时间设置:可以设置为事件发生前或后。{ INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE } --同样也能设定触发的事件:它们可以在执行insert、update或delete的过程中触发。ON <表名称> --触发器是属于某一个表的:当在这个表上执行插入、 更新或删除操作的时候就导致触发器的激活. 我们不能给同一张表的同一个事件安排两个触发器。FOR EACH ROW --触发器的执行间隔:FOR EACH ROW子句通知触发器 每隔一行执行一次动作,而不是对整个表执行一次。<触发器SQL语句> --触发器包含所要触发的SQL语句:这里的语句可以是任何合法的语句, 包括复合语句,但是这里的语句受的限制和函数的一样。--你必须拥有相当大的权限才能创建触发器(CREATE TRIGGER),如果你已经是Root用户,那么就足够了。这跟SQL的标准有所不同。~~实例~~
1 2 3 4 | DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tab1; CREATE TABLE tab1( tab1_id varchar (11) ); |
1 2 3 4 | DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tab2; CREATE TABLE tab2( tab2_id varchar (11) ); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS t_afterinsert_on_tab1; CREATE TRIGGER t_afterinsert_on_tab1 AFTER INSERT ON tab1 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN insert into tab2(tab2_id) values (new.tab1_id); END ; |
1 | INSERT INTO tab1(tab1_id) values ( '0001' ); |
1 2 | SELECT * FROM tab1; SELECT * FROM tab2; |
1 2 4 5 6 7 | DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS t_afterdelete_on_tab1; CREATE TRIGGER t_afterdelete_on_tab1 AFTER DELETE ON tab1 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN delete from tab2 where tab2_id=old.tab1_id; END ; |
DELETE FROM tab1 WHERE tab1_id= '0001' ; |
1 2 | SELECT * FROM tab1; SELECT * FROM tab2; |